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Furnishing your living room: designer

Furnishing your living room: designer sofas

Your living room is the central room of the house, it’s where the heart of the home beats. That’s why, as you think about how to furnish it, you should try to make it the most welcoming space, according to your own taste.

Designer sofas are the way to go

Now days you can find some of the latest designer sofas on online shops, such as Etsy, to support independent designers, Retro Start if you fancy some vintage, even Walmart offers some stylish option, so the sky is your limit and you can find inspiration literally everywhere.

Once you choose your central piece (you can find a lot of affordable designer sofas’ options, so don’t worry about not having the means to buy the most up-to-date furniture), you can build around it the rest of the room, with an elegant storage system, a TV bench etc.

Placing some accessories here and there, such as a small coffee table, maybe a footstool, some lamps and rug, can make the space cozy and classy.

After you have put everything in its place, you will have a stylish and warm living room, where you can spend time with the family and a place you will be proud to show your guests.

Keep in mind the house’s other furniture

A common mistake is to furnish every room according to a different style, this somehow makes the atmosphere uneven.

Of course you shouldn’t make every room lookalike but once you choose a style, you should stick to it.