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Simple ideas to spruce up your wall with
diy wall decor

Simple ideas to spruce up your wall with diy wall decor

Decorating your house walls is something that you can either do by calling an interior designer or by your own. There are many DIY wall decor ideas out there for you to try. The key to acing them is to pick the right idea that will suit your already existing interior home decor.

-One great idea is to cut out paper and shape the out into cool nature pictures. You can place them on a frame like paper that has color that will complement the cut out papers. Hang the new frame on your wall. You can also put those arts and crats lessons leart at school and make a cool yarn mat which can be hanged on the wall.

-Do you have a favorite quote that you’d like hanged on your wall but is not available anywhere except on paper? No problem. Buy an antique decorative plate and write down the quote on it! You can use a great glue to stick the plate on the wall with.

-For this living in apartments or rental homes, it can be a good idea to print out a mural of your favorite places, say a holiday destination, and have it hang on the wall. And for those with multitudes of rugs at home, take a great piece and hang it at a focal point on the wall. You can also add more fun here by creating origami wall hangings of different shapes and colors.