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So you have made a decision to install exterior shutters but you are very confused. No need to worry at all. We are here to help you with this. There are only few things that you need to know. Once you know them, you will be able to buy the perfect exterior shutter.
Functional or decorative:
The first thing that you need to decide is whether you want decorative shutters or the functional shutters. There are few people who only install stutters for beauty and charm. The other adds them for some other purpose. The basic function of the stutters is to add protection. If you are only looking for appealing look, decorative shutters will get the job done.
The measurements of the shutter must be taken with great precision. It is one of the most important things that should be done with great care. If you are taking measurements for the functional shutter, you must ensure that reasonable space is there in order to open or close the shutter. On the other hand if you are going for decorative shutters, there is no problem of measurement whatsoever.
The most common styles of shutters include:
- Louvered
- Raised Panel
- Board and Batten
The choice of the style is totally yours. You can have any style according to the style of your house.
The last consideration is the material. The material must be strong and durable so that you don’t need to change the shutter after few years.
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