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Linoleum is term that previously referred to natural material made from linseed oil, pine rosins and other organic materials. In the modern times it encompasses both natural and modern substitutes. Linoleum wood flooring is known for its durability, water resistance and affordability. They are installed by securing them over a floor or subfloor with strong adhesive.
The linoleum should be stored in the room where it is to be installed for 24 hours because they tend to shrink and expand with changes in temperature which can cause problems in installation. The linoleum reaches a resting size in the room.
All the furnitures, appliances and doors need to be removed to prevent any obstructions. Baseboards should be detached that run along the edge of the floor. Any remaining baseboard nails should also be removed. The existing flooring material should also be patched up so that there are no ridges and bumps left which may distort the linoleum. Plywood underlay can be used in case the floor or subfloor cannot support the linoleum.
The amount of linoleum to be used must be determined and the measurements must be accurate. The cutting lines should be marked on the linoleum. The pieces should be marked an inch or two wider than they need to be. After determining the accurate dimensions of the floor to be covered, the linoleum is cut using a sharp utility knife or a hooked linoleum knife along the marked lines. The linoleum is now laid carefully and care should be taken around obstructions to prevent creasing. The edges should be trimmed in case of extra inches.
The adhesive is applied by peeling back half of the floor and using a trowel to spread it on the underside of the linoleum. Some adhesives are meant to be applied along the edges and some adhesives are meant to be applied along the entire underside. The adhesives are allowed to sit briefly then it is rolled back down and carefully pressed to the floor.
Linoleum is secured with a roller to remove air bubbles and firmly adhere it to the floor or the subfloor. The roller is worked from the middle to the edges. A linoleum sealant is finally applied using a brush or roller in an even coat. This imparts a glossy sheen to the linoleum and also adds longevity to the linoleum wood flooring.
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