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A nylon carpet is one of the top selling carpets used for residential as well as for commercial use. The carpets are made up of material nylon which is said to be durable, stain resistant and easy to wash or clean. It is durable because of the material’s strength and toughness. However carpets made up of nylon do crush or fray like the other carpets made up of different materials. The one great property of nylon is its resistance to stain and dirt. There is a fiber that is coated over the nylon carpets which absorbs fluids and soils making it soil and fluid resistant.
However one of the drawbacks of using nylon in the making of carpets is the synthetic material which is similar to plastic and is said to be damaging. One thing should be kept in mind when choosing carpets is the price. If the carpet is overprized then of course it should not be preferred. Since nylon carpet is synthetic and damaging to environment one can always go for environment friendly carpets which is not damaging to environment. Nylon carpets are extremely durable because of their strength.
Also these carpets come in various designs, patterns and colors. Some of the designs are so trendy and unique that individuals prefer installing them in their living rooms to provide with a contemporary look. When these carpets are mixed with basic colors then they give contemporary as well as a traditional look which is of course preferred more as it is giving a touch of both the styles. Some of the most common patterns and designs are the geometrical patterns like circles and lines and the abstract designing.
Soft nylon carpets are normal nylon carpets but with smaller diameter strands. As the name suggests, soft nylon carpets are extremely soft and that is the reason why these soft carpets have a decreased strength as compared to normal nylon carpets. However they too are very comfortable and even stain resistant which is very essential.
Also these soft nylon carpets come in amazing designs which is a plus point since they are also very comfortable. Mostly individuals prefer having soft nylon carpets instead of normal nylon carpets because of the comfort these soft carpets provide. However the only problem with the soft nylon carpets is that, they are not durable since the material they are made up of is very soft.
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